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Hurrells HM.1 Fine Lawn Grass Seed Mix (HM1) 20KG

In stock
Regular price £160.80

SAFE USE OF PESTICIDES By law, everyone who uses pesticides professionally must have received adequate training in using pesticides safely and be skilled in the job they are carrying out." Upon purchasing this product you and/or the end users are responsible for ensuring that these products are used in line with industry Approved Codes of Practice. All operators must be trained and certificated in using and applying any Ministry Approved Professional Product (MAPP). Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use. Please be aware that by proceeding you are purchasing a professional pesticide product. You must ensure the end user of these products complies with the DEFRA/HSE Code for the Safe use of Pesticides. There are legal responsibilities covering the storage and use of professional use pesticides. These responsibilities are covered by The Food and Environment Protection Act 1985 (FEPA) and Control of Pesticide Regulations 1986 (COPR).

Pack size: 20KG

Application rate: 35-70g/m2


40% Chewings Fescue

40% Slender Creeping Red Fescue

20% Browntop Bent

Key points:

  • Ultimate short, dense & fine turf grass seed mix
  • Ideal for lawn enthusiasts, croquet lawns & bowling greens
  • Uses the finest & most prestigious grass species
  • Fantastic visual merit & appearance
  • Can be cut very low (down to 3mm - requires regular cutting to tolerate this)
  • Can be striped up and prepared to the highest standards
  • Low maintenance (slower growth & less cutting will be required, as the sward does not include ryegrass)
  • Ideal for low amounts of traffic
  • Requires a fine, firm seedbed & soil temperatures of 12+ degrees for germination
  • Optimum pH is 5-6, but can grow outside of this
  • Grows in a wide range of soils
  • Seed is Defra approved and to the highest purity, germination & quality (HVS were possible)